Lawrence Ferlinghetti – A Veteran For Peace
by Nadya Williams
In 1962 a group of San Francisco veterans of World War II and Korea marched under the banner of "Veterans For Peace." The principle organizer was world-renowned poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti. -
Rest in Peace, Roger Brunelle
by Steve Edington
Past President, Lowell Celebrates Kerouac
Those of us on the Lowell Celebrates Kerouac Committee are saddened by the passing of Roger Brunelle. Roger was one of the founders of LCK when it was first created to see to the construction and dedication of the Jack Kerouac Commemorative in Lowell. -
Ping Pong of the Abyss
Gerd Stern, the Beats, and the Psychiatric Institution, by Gabby Kiser
Amanda Gorman’s “The Hill We Climb”
Amanda Gorman’s poem “The Hill We Climb” stole the show on inauguration day, January 20th, 2021. It was also, of course, a big day for the country, and for President Joe Biden and Vice Pres. Kamala Harris as well.
Looking Back, Venturing Forward
A year-end message from Jerry Cimino An extremely clever TV commercial has been running the last few weeks from Match.com. Satan is matched with a beautiful woman named “2020” and they become an item. They fall in love over the course of the year, stealing toilet paper, taking selfies in front of dumpster fires, spending […]
Diane di Prima: A Phone Conference / Poetry Reading & Discussion of Her Life
Credit: Kurt Hemmer, Harper College It was a cold day in San Francisco when Diane di Prima called in to Kurt Hemmer’s class in Pullman, Washington. Beginning with some readings from Dinners and Nightmares, Diane covers a range of topics, from her experiences living as a poor bohemian artist in New York, to her ideas […]
Why I Still Love Van Morrison
...and why you should, too.
In Memoriam: Diane di Prima
Diane di Prima (August 6, 1934 – October 25, 2020), poet, writer, playwright, activist, teacher, San Francisco Poet Laureate emeritus, and one of the foremost luminaries of the Beat Generation, passed away yesterday, October 25th, at the age of 86. Not only was Diane a pioneering woman of the Beat Generation, but she bridged and […]
The (Almost) Navy Jack
Kerouac's military service records provide a remarkably intimate portrait of the 20-year-old aspiring writer and would-be Navy man.
The Earliest “Howl” Recordings
For the 65th anniversary of the Six Gallery reading, here's how to relive the poetry reading that changed history.
Allen Lived Here
Allen Ginsberg’s living arrangements in San Francisco tell a compelling story