A Kerouac Conversation with Steve Edington: Why Jack Still Matters

Why Kerouac Still Matters: Talking Jack with Steve Edington

This event is patterned after the “Talking Jack” gatherings that take place every
October at the Lowell Celebrates Kerouac festival in Lowell, Massachusetts. A Kerouac-themed idea is put out for discussion with all attending invited to join in.

Initiating the conversation here will be Steve Edington, a long-time member of the Lowell Celebrates Kerouac Committee and the author of two books on Kerouac’s life and literary legacy. What he’ll offer for this discussion draws on a chapter in his work in progress, The Gospel According to Jack—Tracking Kerouac in My Life.

After Steve offers some of his thoughts on the subject, those attending are invited
to share their thoughts and ideas on how Kerouac’s works touch them, and how
they my be tracking Kerouac in their own lives.