Poetry Through the Generations

San Francisco Poetry Through the Generations with San Francisco poets A.D.Winans, Neeli Cherkovski, William Taylor, Jr., and Cassandra Dallett.

AD WinansA.D. Winans is a native San Francisco poet and writer. He is the author of over 60 books and chapbooks of poetry and prose. His work has been translated into nine languages. He edited and published Second Coming Press for 17 years.  A song poem of his was performed at Alice Tully Hall in NYC. In 2006 he won a PEN Josephine Miles Award for excellence in literature. In 2009 he was presented with a PEN Oakland Lifetime Achievement Award. He was a recipient of a 2014 Kathy Acker Award in poetry and publishing.

Neeli CherkovskiNeeli Cherkovski is an internationally-known poet and literary chronicler. His forthcoming book of poems, The Crow and I joins other titles such as From the Canyon Outward, From the Middle Woods, and Elegy for Bob Kaufman as part of the Cherkovski canon. He is also the author of the critical memoir, Whitman’s Wild Children and biographies of Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Charles Bukowski. He publishes and reads his poems extensively in Mexico, Italy, and Austria.

William Taylor Jr.William Taylor Jr. lives and writes in the Tenderloin neighborhood of San Francisco. An Age of Monsters, his first book of fiction, was published by Epic Rites Press in 2011. The Blood of a Tourist (Sunnyoutside, 2014) is his latest collection of poetry. He is a Pushcart Prize nominee and was a recipient of the 2013 Acker Award.

Cassandra DallettCassandra Dallett writes of a counterculture childhood in Vermont and her emergence as a poet in the San Francisco Bay Area. Her poem “Talk Story” won poem of the month at The Beat Museum. She has been published both online and in a variety of print magazines. A full-length book of poetry, Wet Reckless, was released from Manic-D press in May of 2014.

This event is free of charge, and is happening at the Top of the Mark at the InterContinental Mark Hopkins Hotel

999 California Street (at Mason Street)
San Francisco, CA 94108
(415) 616-6916

MUNI 1 California