Laborfest: Workers and Voices Against Fascism

presented by World Poetry Movement and the Revolutionary Poets Brigade

Laborfest 2019Join poets, musicians, and artists, who will speak and sing out against fascism. The growing racism, immigrant bashing, xenophobia, Islamophobia, homophobia, and anti-Semitism are a threat not only to working people but all humanity. The rise of fascism is also a threat to unions and working people as it divides the working people and pits them against each other.

Featuring Readers:

Mahnaz Badihian
Lisbit Bailey
Judith Ayn Bernhard
Victoria Brill
Bobby Coleman
Pauline Craig
John Curl
Diego De Leo
Agneta Falk
Mauro Fortissimo
Martin Hickel
Jack Hirschman
Jessica Loos
Karen Melander Magoon
Rosemary Manno
Sarah Menefee
Barbara Paschke
Gregory Pond
David Volpendesta