An Evening with Zeitgeist Press & Manic D Press
A Reading by Authors and Editors of Two Seminal SF Small Presses
The Beat Museum is proud to present an evening by two influential San Francisco small presses, Manic-D Press and Zeitgeist Books. Zeitgeist grew out of the infamous Cafe Babar reading series of the 80’s and 90’s, spearheaded by Bruce Isaacson both in voice and print. Manic-D Press was begun by Jennifer Joseph, who ran the high-energy Paradise Lounge reading series from 1988 through 2001. Isaacson and Joseph will be reading their own work and presenting a few recent publications from their presses. Also featured will be Richard Loranger, who edited The Collected Chapbooks of Joie Cook for Zeitgeist Books, reading both his and Cook’s work, and Cassandra Dallett, the East Bay’s golden girl, who is also the most recent Manic-D Press author and a stunning performer in her own right.
So come on down to check out a slice of San Francisco poetry history, now and in the making, and make your way home with a bindle full of inspiration and a thimbleful more hope for the species.
A Reading by authors and editors of Zeitgeist Books and Manic-D Press
Featuring Readers:
- Jennifer Joseph
- Bruce Isaacson
- Cassandra Dallett
- and Richard Loranger
Jennifer Joseph has been publisher and editor of Manic D Press since its founding in 1984. Her writing has appeared in numerous publications including the Los Angeles Times and the San Francisco Bay Guardian. She organized and ran the Paradise Lounge reading series for thirteen years running, from 1988 to 2001. She’s eternally optimistic, in general.
Bruce Isaacson has lived in Oakland, Michoacan, L.A., Las Vegas, Philadelphia, Paris, NYC, and Leningrad. He earned Master’s degrees at Dartmouth College and Brooklyn College. He was one of the poets who worked at the Cafe Babar mid-1980s SF spoken word scene. He is known as the author of a score of books and chapbooks, and as publisher of Zeitgeist Press, with over 100 poetry titles to date from spoken word legends including David Lerner, Jack Micheline, Joie Cook, Danielle Willis, Eli Coppola, Andy Clausen, and Julia Vinograd. At one of Gregory Corso’s last readings in NYC, Isaacson, detained in the subway, entered late, whereupon Gregory stopped, pointed, and shouted with glee, “You! You fucker!”
Cassandra Dallett lives in Oakland, CA. Cassandra writes of a counter culture childhood in Vermont and her ongoing adolescence in the San Francisco Bay Area. While taking classes at Berkeley Community College she stumbled, or reluctantly dragged her feet, into poetry. When her father died in late 2006 she wanted to keep his stories alive. Her first poem “Talk Story,” about a father who never shut up, won poem of the month at the Beat Museum of San Francisco. Cassandra reads out often and has self-published several chapbooks. She has been published online and in print magazines such as Slip Stream, Sparkle and Blink, The Bicycle Review, Chiron Review, River Babble and Up The River. A full-length book of poetry, Wet Reckless, was released from Manic-D Press in May of 2014.
Richard Loranger is a writer, performer, visual artist, and all around squeaky wheel, currently residing in Oakland, CA. He is the author of Poems for Teeth, as well as The Orange Book and nine chapbooks, including Hello Poems and the recent 6 Questions (Exot Books). Recent work can be found in the online journals London Grip New Poetry and The Marsh Hawk Review and in the just released anthology I Let Go of the Stars in My Hand (great weather for MEDIA). He currently co-hosts the reading series Poetry Unbound in Berkeley with Oakland poet Clive Matson, on the first Sunday of each month. You can find more about his work and scandals at