Free Bumper Sticker
You'll receive a free bumper sticker every time you place
an order for any of our items.
You may also get our bumper sticker for free!
Simply mail us a self-addressed stamped envelope to:
The Beat Museum
540 Broadway (at Columbus)
San Francisco, CA 94133
Please don't deface public or private property.
The following is an email we recieved from a pleased customer from Kazkhstan
of all places.
Subject: for Jerry from Kerouac fan in Kazkhstan
First of all thanks for all the books from your store and those little
things like bumper sticker and Dharma bum sign. I can assure you I will
other books from your store and maybe even pay visit to your store
personally and see with my own eyes your museum on wheels.
Anyway here's where I put the bumper sticker you've sent me - it's a picture of the part of my car with sticker on it.
Kind Regards
Abai Ergaliev
Who would have guessed in Kazkhstan? Thanks