The Jim Irsay Collection
Some highlights from our visit to the Jim Irsay Collection at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis!
The Bob Dylan Center, Tulsa
The highlight of Oklahoma was the new Bob Dylan Center.
Eisenhower Library & Museum
You can't run a museum about the Beat Generation without a deep understanding of what Dwight David Eisenhower meant to America in the post-WWII era.
Henry Miller Memorial Library, Big Sur
Our Kerouac Centennial Tour kicked off in Big Sur, with an event at the Henry Miller Memorial Library
The Beat Museum on Wheels
Starting in August 2022, the Beat Museum on Wheels hit the road in celebration of Jack Kerouac's centennial. Read more about our adventures here!
2022 – A Big Year for Kerouac
2022 was a Milestone Year Our Commitment to Education Kerouac@100 National Tour The Benefit to Youth 2022 was a Milestone Year 2022 has been a huge year for fans of Jack Kerouac. People around the world celebrated the 65th Anniversaries of both the publication of Jack Kerouac’s On the Road, and Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s victory in […]
An Exhibition of Ferlinghetti Paintings in Vallejo
'Generation: Beat! The Art & Literary Genius of Lawrence Ferlinghetti' brings together poetry, films, music, art walks and other happenings in a monthlong festival centered around Ferlinghetti and other things Beat.
Additional Facades and Design Ideas
Additional Drawings & Renderings
Irving Rosenthal dies at 91
ving Rosenthal (October 9, 1930 – April 22, 2022), writer, underground publisher, and editor of Big Table, died Friday at Friends of Perfection (Kaliflower), the San Francisco commune he founded in 1967.
Recapping Our Kerouac@100 Announcement
The Neighborhood Came Out on Jack Kerouac's Birthday
Kerouac@100 Open House Event
On Saturday, March 12th, we're hosting an Open House event in celebration of Jack Kerouac's Centennial.