On the Road Around the World – Closing Photo Shoot

For the last year and a half we’ve showcased a magnificent exhibition called On The Road Around the World. It consisted of a hundred copies of On The Road in over twenty-five different languages. It testified to the staying power and reach of Kerouac’s work. 

You’ve probably heard that when Truman Capote was asked about On The Road back in the 1950s, his comment was “That’s not writing, that’s typing.” No offense to Capote, but fifty-five years later we’ve got to wonder how many languages In Cold Blood has been translated into, and in how many places around the world it’s currently available.

The books in the On The Road Around the World exhibition are from the private collection of Horst Spandler. Horst lives in Germany and is a good friend of ruth weiss. When it came time to ship all the books back to Germany, we delayed the dismantling of the exhibit for a couple of weeks to coincide with the arrival of the ‘49 Hudson, driven by Garrett Hedlund. We’d thought it’d make a great photo-op to showcase the books surrounding Garrett at The Beat Museum. An added bonus was getting Al Hinkle in on the act.