Jack Kerouac Birthday

The Dharma Bums play last year's Kerouac Birthday party.

The Dharma Bums play last year’s Kerouac Birthday party.

Join us as we celebrate what would have been Jack’s 94th birthday. This event will feature readings, storytelling, and music by The Dharma Bums.

Ginsberg-SFSU-1956Just added: Geoffrey Pond is an actor, musician and artistic director for the Bay Area’s Subterranean Shakespeare Theatre. He will be presenting an excerpt from his upcoming solo show SAN FRANCISCO: views of THE CITY, directed by Robert Ernst – A theatrical re-creation of the night that changed the cultural world, Jack Kerouac’s eyewitness account of the mad and howling night of Oct 7, 1955 at San Francisco’s Six Gallery. Allen Ginsberg read his groundbreaking poem Howl that night for the first time. He was joined by poets Gary Snyder, Michael McClure, Philip Whalen, Kenneth Rexroth, and Philip Lamantia.

The Dharma Bums, a raga/reggae/rock band from Woodstock NY, will return to San Francisco for this year’s March 10th Tibetan National Uprising Day Demonstration, where they will perform along the demonstration route at San Francisco City Hall, the Chinese Consulate, and Union Square, as well as other venues in the Bay Area.

The Dharma Bums have played every Woodstock reunion since Woodstock 20 in 1989, and have been “on the road” ever since, playing venues around the US, this year including Mountain Jam in upstate NY and Ecofest in NY City’s Times Square. They have been touring Europe and Asia as well, where they even performed for the Dalai Lama himself! Since then, they have always been in the forefront of international protest movements against injustice, destruction of the environment, and the abuse of traditional peoples, especially the people of Tibet, playing their special brand of music, a “raga-reggae-rock” deeply rooted in both Eastern Spirituality and Western Rock and Roll.