‘Further On Down the Road’ with Terry Tarnoff & Phil Cousineau

Further on Down the Road Poster

Join us for a reading, book signing, and short video presentation with Terry Tarnoff, author of The Reflectionist, with special guest Phil Cousineau

The Reflectionist by Terry Tarnoff

It was a different time in a different world. Terry Tarnoff spent eight years during the 1970s traveling throughout Europe, Africa and Asia. It was the early days of exploring what were to become legendary spots on the traveler’s trail. Whether playing the clubs of Amsterdam, skirting the Yakuza in Japan, surviving the winters of Kathmandu, or forming a band in Goa, India, Terry’s adventures are alternately engrossing, hilarious and deeply moving.

The Reflectionist is Tarnoff’s long-awaited follow-up to The Bone Man of Benares, a highly acclaimed book and play that told the first half of the story. The Reflectionist continues the tale, adding new meaning as it looks back from the perspective of modern times upon a period that continues to fascinate people of all generations across the globe.

from The Reflectionist

Terry TarnoffTerry Tarnoff is the author of The Thousand Year Journey of Tobias Parker and The Chronicle of Stolen Dreams. The Reflectionist is his latest book; the sequel to The Bone Man of Benares. He lives in North Beach, San Francisco. terrytarnoff.com

Phil CousineauPhil Cousineau is a freelance writer, documentary filmmaker, independent scholar, and creativity consultant. He has published over 40 books, including The Hero’s Journey: The Life and Work of Joseph Campbell, The Art of Pilgrimage, The Book of Roads, and most recently Burning the Midnight Oil, which was featured on NPR’s Weekend Edition with Scott Simon. Cousineau has also written or co-written over twenty documentary films, including the Oscar-nominated Forever Activists: Stories from the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, and The Peyote Road, which helped overturn a Supreme Court decision in 1993, guaranteeing freedom of religion to American Indians. Since 2009, Cousineau has been the host and cowriter of “Global Spirit,” which begins its new season on PBS on April 3. The journalist Bill Moyers has described it as an “Internal Travel Series…that is sorely needed in this dispirited and disenchanted world.” Cousineau lives with his family on Telegraph Hill in North Beach. philcousineau.net