Charlie Getter Extravaganzer

Ed Bowers
Charlie Getter presents an evening with Ed Bowers, Brandon Loberg, and music by Goddamnit Jonny. Poetry readings, after which Charlie will attempt his best James Lipton, interviewing Bowers and Loberg on poetry. We’ll also hear from EK Keith, Val Ibarra, and the legendary Diamond Dave, talking about Poems Under the Dome, now in its 10th year.

There are few people whom I’d rather do a poetry extravaganzer with than Ed Bowers… I was trying to figure out how to do something that we don’t normally do, because well most poetry readings are kind of the same thing, and while that is good, i mean I love poetry and more than most, I love poetry readings, but I wanted to make something a little different and at one point I was trading texts with the most interesting person I know (Mr. Bowers) and I figure we’ll have a reading and an interview and get all James Lipton up on this and see where it goes, Brandon Loberg will be the co-host and throw out some poems as well as well as myself and if the interview fails and whatever we’ll have music from Goddamnit Jonny to liven things up! We’ll play it by ear and to flip the script at the end we’ll have EK Keith, Val Ibarra and the legendary Diamond Dave on to close the night talking about the origins and such of the tenth poems under the dome (they will then ask for a donation, but the show is free!) So there it is, if you’ve never seen Ed read you should come! Also if I suck at being James Lipton you should come just to see me get egg on my face!

Charlie Getter