100 Thousand Poets for Change

100 Thousand Poets for Change

Hosted by Karen Melander Magoon & Philip Hackett

Join us for an open mic, featuring the following readers, under the banner of “100 Thousand Poets for Change.”

Featured readers:

  • Dee Allen
  • Dan Brady
  • Mahnaz Badihian
  • Pauline Craig
  • John Curl
  • Diego De Leo
  • Ana Elsner
  • Agneta Falk
  • Nahid Fattahi
  • David Giesen
  • Q R Hand
  • Najia Karim
  • Richard Loranger
  • Karen Melander-Magoon
  • Barbara Paschke
  • Richard Sanderell
  • David Volpendesta

and others…

Poets and artists all over the world are currently organizing events to promote environmental, social, and political change.

Poets, writers, artists, and humanitarians will create, perform, educate and demonstrate, in their individual communities, and decide their own specific area of focus for change within the overall framework of peace and sustainability, which co-founder Michael Rothenberg stated, “…is a major concern worldwide and the guiding principle for this global event.”

All those involved are hoping, through their actions and events, to seize and redirect the political and social dialogue of the day and turn the narrative of civilization towards peace and sustainability.